"Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life," by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, offers a captivating exploration of the Japanese concept of ikigai—an inner purpose that drives individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Through research and real-life examples from the Okinawan islanders, known for their longevity and happiness, the authors illustrate how finding one's ikigai can lead to a healthier, more content life.
The book delves into various aspects of life, including diet, exercise, work, and social connections, offering practical advice and insights on how to discover and cultivate one's ikigai. The narrative is both engaging and informative, making complex concepts accessible and relatable.
The book’s principles can help you find a deeper sense of purpose and balance amidst your busy schedules. It provides actionable strategies to enhance you wellbeing, improve work-life integration, and cultivate self-care practices, which are central to you goals and challenges. By applying the concepts from "Ikigai," you can learn to prioritise your health and wellness, foster meaningful connections, and lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.
Why It’s Relevant:
In essence, "Ikigai" offers a blend of ancient wisdom and practical advice that can inspire your audience to lead more balanced, healthy, and fulfilling lives.
Owner and Head Coach Of Move.with.EmmaG
My passion is to share and educate others on the simple tools and lifestyle choices that they can implement to improve not only their physical health but also their cognitive, mental and emotional health without giving up the things they LOVE in life.